Friday, August 29, 2008

An Apple a Day...

keeps the Doctor away. I guess it's me that needs to be eating the apple not Sydney. I hope that melon, peaches, strawberries and raspberries work; I've been consuming those by the pound-full.

Syd went to the Dr. yesterday for her 4 month well baby check. She's 25 inches tall, 14 pounds 7 ounces and is in the 75 and 70 percentile for height and weight. I was surprised that she wasn't heavier, quite frankly, she's feeling like a chunk lately. So then it was time for her shots and thank goodness she didn't cry as long or as loud as the 2 month visit. She was a trooper. I was grateful to have Dave at the appointment with me too.

So now, we just continue loving her and kissing her. Can't get enough of that baby skin.

1 comment:

nancy said...

hey nat!! did you know our girls weigh the same amount?? only mine is almost 8 months old which makes her very tiny :) yours is totally cute and healthy!!