Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Grandma Willms' birthday

Four Generations sitting on the couch, one fell off and bumped her head, mama called the Dr. and the Dr. said....just kidding no one fell off the couch.

But we did lose one here I guess. I just cropped myself out of the shot as I was looking ridiculous. These ladies look great don't they?

dinner out

Friday, May 8, 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009

How old are you Sydney?

Syd might be One, but I sound ridiculous. Hope you can enjoy her cuteness anyway.


I can't believe that I've been a mother for a year now. I constantly feel as though I'm so new at it - A new mother, like I just had a baby. I suppose that's because the baby changes constantly and then as a result the way you interact with the child and the world around you is continually in flux. I am loving it and am just eating Sydney up. She's delicious. It seems that at a year she really turned the corner to being a toddler. While she's not toddling just yet, she's certainly getting around a bit differently. She's crawling at a reasonable pace, so that I can still keep track of her and help myself to adapt to the fact that I now have a mobile baby without too many dangerous situations just yet. She's eating different foods and doesn't seem to be interested in baby food from jars now. Sometimes words are coming out of her mouth and it's been helpful to have others around to actually confirm what I think I heard her say.

I'll post some pictures of her birthday party here shortly. I just need to get the pictures from both of her grandmothers.