Monday, July 7, 2008

When your camera's on the blink

You improvise - We tried this with the computer today. Just becoming more familiar with the Mac. Please excuse my clothes, it's been a work at home day. Here she is...

So the news from the weekend is that she slept 8 hours on Friday night. It was a glorious thing. She's learning to use her voice and is trying her darndest to fit her whole fist in her mouth. I'm not sure she'll suck her thumb, she might be a fist sucker though. Some of you might suggest a pacifier, a great thought, but she chokes and gags on them. So, I'll just let her continue with the fist.
We've implemented a bit of a bedtime routine and she's getting the hang of it I think. My Mom was over for the bath portion of the nighttime routine and very sweetly pointed out that I might be putting my baby in a hottub- sans jets, every night. Whoops. Syd didn't seem to complain or look too uncomfortable. She has been rather relaxed though.

I've been introduced to the beauty of the Ergo Baby front carrier with infant modifier. Sydney's doing so well in it. She comes along with me while I work around the house. She falls asleep the best when I'm climbing stairs. Perhaps she's trying to help me get an extra work-out in?
Okay, I must run, today's the day I'm going to get these baby announcements out, it's about time, she's almost 2 1/2 months old.


Anonymous said...

That was very kind of you Natalie. I don't recall being all that sweet about it. sorry.. I'll try harder.

Natalie said...

no need to be sorry, I'd rather not give my sweet baby a burn from the too-hot bath. I like her clean, but come on.

Anonymous said...

Hi Natalie!
I'm finally getting around to looking at your blog & photos--OHMYGOSH, Sydney is SOOO perfect!! I am so happy for you! I remember being in that wonderful universe of "New Momdom" awesome. Would love to meet you for lunch or coffee sometime. Let me know! I'm sure the folks at IPAMS miss you dearly. See you, Shonna

cara harjes said...

herb and i both appreciate you testing out all of these products and routines for us so that we know everything we need to when the time comes. that sure was sweet of you to have a baby to do field testing with.

can't wait to get home and squeeze you both! everyone is looking great!