Sunday, July 13, 2008

Such a big girl

It's been a long time since the last post. Quite frankly, it's not acceptable.
Last week we had some good times. We had lunch over at a friend's house, visited great Grandma and Grandpa Huff, went to stroller class, met Grandma at Whole Foods.
Oh, a small side story -
At Whole Foods on Thursday after stroller class and thinking that Sydney would prefer to be out of the hot car seat after almost two hours, I bring her into the grocery store in the front carrier. I get her strapped in and we're walking around the store with my Mom. I look down and my daughter's legs are two different colors. One's purple and the other light pink. I think I was cutting off the circulation. Could have lost both legs if I wasn't checking on her. Good grief. I'm much more careful with that now.

Let's see, Syd is following our movements with her eyes a lot more. She is grasping at things with her little fingers and is smiling up a storm. We're doing our best to get her into more of a regular sleeping schedule. Just watching for when she gets drowsy. Here's a picture of her feeling very relaxed...

Then we tried putting her down in our bed. She looks cute, but didn't like it there for too long.

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