Tuesday, June 3, 2008

No pictures for this one

Grandma Klassen (Oma) called me today. She asked how Sydney was doing and wanted to know if I had bathed her today. She was just checking in I think.
I told her that Syd has a little conjunctivitis going on in her left eye and that we had a Dr.'s appt. for 2:00 today. It's just crusty and yellowy-green. I noticed it last night and tried to 'wash' it with boiled water (I cooled it) and a cotton ball last night and this morning, but it's still gooping up. So, we're going to have her looked at.
Grandma says, "Ohhhh, she's just barely a month old, she's not supposed to have anything like that."

"I miss Sydney when she's not around."
"Well, if the appointment goes well today and her eye's clearing up, would you like me to come for a visit tomorrow?"
"Oh, yes, that would be lovely."

I think that's what she was angling for during the whole phone call. She didn't ask how Mom was and if I'd heard from her on the cruise, Oma just wanted to know when she could see Syd again.

She ended the conversation with, "Well, I better go, I need to get ready to go down for lunch here in 15 minutes, I go down at 11:15. I'll go see what the old bitches are up to. You know they can be like that some time."
- Classic Grandma


cara harjes said...

"i'll go down and see what the old bitches are up to"

that is seriously the best thing i have heard in a long time. priceless.

hope syd's eye clears up soon.

Renee said...

I love the new Sydney blog!!! I hope her eye clears up soon...thanks for the boiling water clarification. lol! :-)

Anonymous said...

Did my mother really say that? Does she talk with a potty mouth when I'm not in town? By the way Natalie..conjunctivitis, if that is what it is..is really contagious. Your mother says wash your hands.

Natalie said...

Yes, my grandmother is a crack up and apparently does have a potty mouth when my Mom's out of town.
Her eye's not looking too bad today. We'll see if I can keep my sanity while administering drops in her little baby eyes that close when you touch them.
I don't know if it's really conjunctivitis (that's what the Dr. said), but I'm washing my hands and everything that touches her.