Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Two weeks

since my last confession (I just had to type it)
That's ridiculous, I mean really.
It's an old song that you might be familiar with, "our camera's broken" aka "our camera's on the blink." It's sad too because Sydney's making so many fun sounds that I should be capturing on video. I'll make a commitment to do something about it this week.

So, the latest excuse is that the auto-focus isn't working. As a result the pictures I'll post today are blurry, very frustrating, just pretend that you haven't put your contacts in this morning, or if you did you had lots of lotion on your fingers, or, you can't find your readers. Try that and then I won't feel like such a dope.

Let's see, update - it's been all about the poops. I've come to understand that my state of being is closely related to the quantity and volume that my daughter pushes out. It's gross honestly, but can you imagine not visiting the library every day? No can do. Her sleep is interrupted, which means mine is and well, perhaps that's the answer to my mood changes. It's just a matter of getting her insides used to this grown up food. So far we've done rice cereal, pears, prunes, bananas, carrots and tomatoes, prunes and oatmeal, pears and raspberries, peas, apples, and now we're on to oatmeal cereal with a probiotic (hoping that will help get the good bugs in her). I'm not joking when I say I've considered having her on breastmilk until she goes to school. It's crossed my mind to just give up the ghost on this solid food thing. Those breastmilk diapers are so gentle on the senses and these others are incredibly offensive. But, I know better, there's no looking back, solid food all the way.

Speaking of looking back, she hasn't rolled over yet, but she's really close. Sydney's doing such a good job of sitting up on her own too. We practice every day. It's incredible to me how much more alert she is in one week. She's trying everything out. So sweet. She's very happy and easy to entertain. She adores her Daddy, almost enough to give me a complex but then I nurse her and it's all okay. Syd's all about touching our faces and grabbing chins and noses and trying to grab teeth. The other night I had so much fun with her as she was nursing and I realized that no one else is going to know this part of her, it's just me and her. She's smiling at me and cooing, experimenting with her voice and I get to witness it all. I'm so lucky. I really like this job that I have, can't imagine that I'll ever consider resigning.

Okay, enough, here are the amateur photos I have to post....


Anonymous said...

well alright. that is what I am talking about.

Unknown said...

Blurry or not...she's *clearly* a beauty! Miss you girls!!!!