Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Do or do not, there is no try

In just a few days...Sydney will be 6 months old. That's crazy. It will also be Halloween.
Syd happens to have her 6 month Dr. appt on Halloween and back at her 4 month check up I was already scheming up costumes for her. I mean, if she's going to be out and about on the actual Hallow's Eve, I might as well put some effort into dressing up the cute little button.

Last month my Mom and I were out shopping and we found this adorable dragon costume. I bought it with the notion that I could return it if I changed my mind or more likely, found something better. This was a really cute costume though. It's been hanging on the outside of Syd's closet for a couple of weeks now. I hadn't tried it on. Don't know why not, I just hadn't. Well this week, I did try it on her; Sydney's as cute as I thought she'd be in it, but I am changing my mind and found something better.

It's important to interject here that Dave was having a very hard time with the idea of dressing up the child for a holiday that we don't really give a hoot about. He kept remarking at how unfair it is to dress up the baby when she has no input or even knows what's going on. My rebuttal to this was, "I dress her everyday in clothes that I deem appropriate, how is this any different?" His response - "My point exactly! She should wear her sleep sack every day."

So, we've compromised and honestly, credit to Dave, it's a great idea. Sydney will be dressed as Yoda. Dave will be Luke Skywalker and I, Princess Leia. The only trouble I'm having is - weren't Luke and Leia siblings? Let's just say we're Luke and Leia before they knew they were related, because that would be just plain weird, and Syd (Yoda) wouldn't be near as cute.

Here's the cute Dragon that we're foregoing in favor of the wise little guy.

(still dealing with the old blinking camera)

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