Monday, September 22, 2008

No excuses

It's just been a long time.
Let's see, Syd's growing. That's about it.

No, there's much more to it all. I adore her, she's so cute, I'm sure my Mom is going to start hanging up on me when I start in with how cute she is. Today Mom mentioned that "I know it's hard to believe, but we loved you guys as much as you're loving Sydney."
She's right, it's hard to believe, but it certainly puts my relationship with my Mom into perspective. She loves me a whole lot!

So, Sydney's trying out all sorts of interesting sleep schedules these days. She's retiring around 7:30 and sleeping 12 hours! It would be fantastic, except for the fact that she has at least 2 and sometimes 3 intermissions where she just has to tell me how much she misses me. It's been a bit much lately, where are the sleeps when she does 10 or even 8 hours straight? I hope that they're coming back.

We've been trying out the solid foods lately too. Carrots were a hit, Bananas not so much, Peas were good and now it seems the rice cereal is really good for making fun sounds with her mouth. I'll have to capture it on film, it's too funny. I'm convinced she's asking for more cereal when she's got her mouth gaping open, so of course I oblige and fill it up. Turns out, she's just loading up so she can make lots of gurgly sounds with through the cereal. I'm happy I approached this whole food thing as entertainment and am not taking it too seriously. I'd be a stress case.

Let's see, she's rolling over, she's giggling a lot and is a fan of crunches. Those abs are getting a work out.
We've got all sorts of company this week so I'm sure we'll have many pictures to post and update with. Dave's friends, Brian and Aaron and their families are coming to town. We're set for all sorts of fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Gang,

Glad to hear the eating is going well. As for the sleeping. . .what a tease! We are starting 'sleep sense' this weekend to teach Tommy to sleep by himself. I'll let you know how it goes. . .not sure they can figure it out otherwise. They just miss us so much in the night! Cutie Pie.
