Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It's spring, watch her grow

Sydney is now 3 weeks old and is apparently growing like a weed. We've weighed her twice today and have confirmed she's 10 lbs now. (No wonder my arm's getting tired)

I'll post here as often as is reasonable so that those of you who are checking in on her can see how she's changing.

So far we're still trying to figure out her signals and are happy to just be meeting her needs and loving her.

Today Dave had "take your daughter to work day." Nothing like a big distraction of a baby to keep all of the employees on their toes. Syd did great and I had some time to run around and get some errands done. Then on the way home Syd and I stopped by to see one of my Dr.s, who's also a friend from Prenatal exercise class. Sydney was a gem all morning.

We've been using the "g diapers" fairly successfully. There's always blow-outs, but overall they seem to be working pretty well.

That's enough for now. I'll work on posting pictures.

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