Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Outings with Syd last week

Last week Syd and I went to lunch with Grandma at Oma's house (pay no mind to the liquor cabinet that Syd's playing in - that did not happen at Oma Klassen's house:)

Then later that day Dave and I attempted dinner out with Syd. It turned into Happy Hour out because Syd was done. Evident in the photo with Dave. She's tired.

Sydney is all sorts of fun right now. Crawling and pulling herself up. She's very busy with the environment around her and not too concerned with toys right now. She does love balls, the cats, and water. She's getting used to grass and has recently found bugs. Just last night I brought her to the back yard and put her down on one of our pavers. She sat there trying to pick the bugs up for a good 15 mins.
Words that are some what recognizable (if you listen real close):
bampa - grandpa
ada or dada
no no no
puppy - it actually sounds right
unah - open

sometimes you can get a thank you out of her too. There are other one time words that we've heard but I can't really remember. I'll have to start whipping out the video camera some more.

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