Thursday, February 26, 2009

Grammie captures bath time

New Material

I'll find some pictures to post, but in the meantime here's an update....
The baby girl has finally - crawled?, pushed through her two top teeth. Well, technically there's only one that's through and actually showing white, but you can feel the other one if you're brave enough to put a finger in there.

Kind of late in the game I decided to give her some sign language to help her communicate with us. She's become really good at "All Done." She's been using it for all sorts of things, toys, eating, breastfeeding, books. It's pretty fun to see. She says it at the same time and it's pretty close. Sydney's got a few different sounds for Daddy and I've only once heard Mummy when she was crying in her bed. If she gets really good at that, I'm going to have to start losing my hearing, it was so heart wrenching.

It's been established that she's a partier and loves to entertain. Give her a new group of people and she'll charm them with all of her tricks. So, that brings us back to the crawling issue. There's a loose theory out there that she's so much of a people person and relational being that she has no use with getting around. Why would she want to go somewhere else when all the action is where you are? That might be what I need to start doing to spark her interest in mobility, leave her alone a bit more. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I'm not chasing her around all day or worrying about baby proofing the house.

She's gobs of fun. I can't believe that she's 10 months this week. What in the world?

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Sydney is most certainly our Valentine, and though we, her parents, didn't shower her with flowers and chocolates, she did get a couple of Valentine cards from some Grandparents this year. Great Grandma and Grandpa Willms sent a sweet card for the sweet girl, and Grammy and Grampa Huff gave her one too. (She wasn't eating the card I promise, the blue running down her chin is dried blueberries, she loves them)

Throw back

She was so little. We really had no idea what we were doing, not sure we do now, but man do we love her.

cute bow in her touque that the nurses made for her.

Syd's mouth looks exactly like this still when she gets a good cry on.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Big Girl in the Tub

There literally was a big girl in the tub. Syd's not been feeling too well (you wouldn't know it from these pictures) so I hopped in the tub with her last night. She was too cute to resist, so Dave grabbed the camera. Enjoy

Friday, February 6, 2009

There's always something new

She's a kick in the pants. Here's just a little something

Monday, February 2, 2009


This weekend the family visited AZ. Sydney was a trooper. Dave went out for work on Thursday and my Mom and I took Sydney on Friday morning. We flew into Tucson and saw my Aunt Janet and Uncle Chuck and their fantastic property in the Oro Valley, then Syd and I drove up to Phoenix to hang out with Dave and the Retts. We had a great time and Sydney was so good. Not a lot of napping, but lots of waving on her part - wave to the flight attendant, wave to the rental car people, wave to the man next to you on the bus, wave to the new friends on the flight, wave to baby Keaton, wave to the Starbucks barista, wave to the waitress - lots of waving.